18/09/2024 -
Un equipo de investigadoras de la Universidad de Quilmes generó tres vinos a partir de la fermentación de bacterias patagónicas y bonaerenses. Un tipo de producción...
18/09/2024 -
La industria textil es una de las más contaminantes del mundo, pero por suerte un grupo de cordobeses busca mitigar (aunque sea un poco) tal impacto. La herramienta fundamental...
30/08/2024 -
Non-conventional yeasts and bacteria gain significance in synthetic biology for their unique metabolic capabilities in converting low-cost renewable feedstocks into valuable products. Improving...
19/08/2024 -
The objective of this work was to evaluate the properties of beverages formulated with Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl) and bocaiuva almonds (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. Ex Mart.). Five...
16/08/2024 -
Rosario, Santa Fe, 17/11/2022VISTO el Expediente Nº EX-2022-72380573- -APN-DGD#MAGYP del Registro del entonces MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA, GANADERÍA Y...
16/08/2024 -
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 18/07/2024VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2023-128775053-APN-SEC#MEC, la Ley Nº 26.270 y su modificatoria, el Decreto N° 50 de fecha 19 de diciembre de 2019 y sus...
14/08/2024 -
AbstractAdaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) is a widely used microbial strain development and optimization method. ALE experiments, to select for faster?growing strains, are commonly performed as...
14/08/2024 -
An experimental and computational approach for the prediction of single cell Lmm?A assembly changes and nuclear viscosity alterations after microfluidic compression stresses.AbstractIn recent years,...
14/08/2024 -
Graphical Abstract and Lay SummaryA major challenge for the biopharmaceutical industry is instability of transgene expression, where epigenetic repression silences genes encoding high?value products....
14/08/2024 -
AbstractThe fifth modeling workshop (5MW) was held in June 2023 at Favrholm, Denmark and sponsored by Recovery of Biological Products Conference Series. The goal of the workshop was to assemble...
14/08/2024 -
AbstractIn the burgeoning field of proteins, the effective analysis of intricate protein data remains a formidable challenge, necessitating advanced computational tools for data processing,...
14/08/2024 -
AbstractCold?induced vasoconstriction is a significant contributor that leads to chilblains and hypothermia in humans. However, current animal models have limitations in replicating cold?induced...
09/08/2024 -
Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) stands as a crucial chemical material extensively utilized in the cosmetics industry. DHA production through the dephosphorylation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate, an...
09/08/2024 -
Microbial engineering aims to enhance the ability of bacteria to produce valuable products, including vitamin B6 for various applications. Numerous microorganisms naturally produce vitamin B6, yet...
09/08/2024 -
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 29/12/2023VISTO el Expediente Nº EX-2023-153966198--APN-DGDAGYP#MEC del Registro de la SECRETARÍA DE AGRICULTURA, GANADERÍA Y PESCA del MINISTERIO DE...
09/08/2024 -
Healthy and sustainable diets have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, driven by a desire to consume foods that not only help health but also have a favorable influence...