

Bioprocessing of reduced sulfur compounds enhanced by treated wastewater with an alkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing microbial consortium
07/10/2024 - An alkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacterial consortium enrichment in synthetic media and supplemented treated wastewater was evaluated by measuring for thiosulfate biological oxidation and detailed...
Argentina sostenible. Desde Córdoba llega una solución industrial en envases para el cuidado del medio ambiente
18/09/2024 - En un mundo cada vez más consciente de la crisis ambiental, la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles en el sector de los envases es una prioridad para las industrias. En este contexto,...
16/09/2024 - Nature Biotechnology, Published online: 13 September 2024; doi:10.1038/s41587-024-02374-1Recent patents...
13/09/2024 - ????¡Hola Comunidad! ????Estamos muy...
Underappreciated government research support in patents | Science
13/09/2024 - The ability of government to use patents for public benefit could be constrained
Seminario Nacional de la OMPI
13/09/2024 - La Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) y el Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI) de Argentina llevaron adelante el Seminario Nacional sobre el fomento de...
El micelio como generador de nuevos materiales es una tendencia mundial
23/08/2024 - Los productos biobasados que desarrolla el Centro de Biotecnología a partir de determinados hongos son biodegradables, atóxicos y pueden tener propiedades acústicas,...
Microbes: next-generation fertilizers
19/08/2024 - Nature Biotechnology, Published online: 14 August 2024; doi:10.1038/s41587-024-02368-zMicrobes: next-generation...
Reinventing shake flask fermentation: The breathable flask
19/08/2024 - The CAR T?cell activation and expansion step is simulated as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) environment in OpenAI gym. Activation strategy in terms of incremental artificial antigen presenting...
Building bio-innovation systems through advanced biotechnology education
14/08/2024 - We discuss the role of advanced biotechnology education in fostering sustainable bio-innovation systems. As a case study, we focus on Paraguay’s Graduate Diploma in Innovation Management and...
09/08/2024 - El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina reunidos en Congreso, etc. sancionan con fuerza de Ley:Artículo 1°- Sustitúyese la denominación de la ley 26.270 por la...
Prioridades de I+D en Bioinformática para Argentina
19/07/2024 - próximo webinar que organiza la Fundación. Sadosky sobre "Bioinformática" Es este viernes 19/07 a las 18 hs
Sartorius Expands AI Alliance with NVIDIA
27/05/2024 - Will combine Sartorius’ knowledge of life sciences and bioprocessing with NVIDIA’s AI-powered computing platforms and software.
Johnson & Johnson Agrees to Acquire Proteologix
27/05/2024 - Will integrate Proteologix’s bispecific antibodies into its pipeline.
PCI Pharma Services to Offer Facility Tours at BIO 2024
27/05/2024 - Will highlight the recently incorporated robotics technology for sterile fill-finish operations at its San Diego facility.
Orna Therapeutics Acquires ReNAgade Therapeutics
27/05/2024 - Will combine its circular RNA expression technology with ReNAgade's portfolio of LNP-based RNA delivery systems and editing programs.
AstraZeneca to Build ADC Manufacturing Facility in Singapore
27/05/2024 - Will be AstraZeneca’s first end-to-end ADC production site, fully incorporating all steps of the manufacturing process at a commercial scale.