Tecnología Médica

Tecnología Médica

CODMAN® Surgical Strips and Patties X-Ray Detectable
29/10/2024 - During an internal investigation, Integra Lifesciences identified higher than expected levels of endotoxin within the raw material used to product CODMAN® Surgical Patties and Strips that may have...
Medical device safety
25/09/2024 - Seguridad de los dispositivos médicos: desde vendajes hasta marcapasos, Salud Canadá garantiza que los beneficios superen los riesgos y monitorea su uso posterior a su...
Medical masks and respirators
25/09/2024 - Aprenda sobre los diferentes tipos de mascarillas y respiradores y su uso.
Operating Table TruSystem 7000 U
25/09/2024 - Baxter Corporation is issuing an urgent medical device correction for the TruSystem 7000 surgical table due to customer reports stating that the batteries and their connectors experienced...
Share your views: Draft guidance on how to interpret 'significant change' of a medical device [2024-02-07]
25/09/2024 - Salud Canadá lo invita a brindar comentarios sobre la claridad general y el contenido del borrador de la...
Transparency for machine learning-enabled medical devices: Guiding principles
25/09/2024 - Principios rectores para buenas prácticas de aprendizaje automático de dispositivos médicos...
Medical Devices Directorate Quarterly Performance Report for Q3 2023-24
25/09/2024 - Los informes de desempeño trimestrales de la Dirección de Dispositivos Médicos proporcionan métricas detalladas sobre la puntualidad del proceso de revisión de...
Draft guidance on how to interpret 'significant change' of a medical device [2024-02-07]
25/09/2024 - This guidance document has been updated to expand on the definition of "significant change" in the Medical Devices Regulations (regulations). This will help you determine whether a...
Consultation: Notice of intent to amend the regulations to address health product shortages in Canada [2024-06-25]
25/09/2024 - Salud Canadá está buscando comentarios sobre las modificaciones propuestas al Reglamento sobre Alimentos...
Notice on Health Canada's proposed changes to the guidance on recognized standards for medical devices
25/09/2024 - Notice on Health Canada's proposed changes to the guidance on recognized standards for medical devices.
Medical Devices Directorate Quarterly Performance Report for Q4 2023-24
25/09/2024 - Los informes de desempeño trimestrales de la Dirección de Dispositivos Médicos proporcionan métricas detalladas sobre la puntualidad del proceso de revisión de...
Share your views: Updates made to list of recognized standards for medical devices and draft guidance
25/09/2024 - Health Canada invites you to comment on proposed changes to the guidance on the list of recognized standards for medical devices.
Medical Devices Directorate Annual Performance Report for 2023-24
25/09/2024 - The Medical Devices Directorate’s Annual Performance Report provide detailed metrics about the timeliness of pre-market medical devices review process against the performance service...
25/09/2024 - Boston Scientific is retrieving specific model l331 ACCOLADE™ pacemakers due to inadvertent re-use/duplication of certain model/serial number combinations. This duplication occurred during...