Logran incrementar la producción de un hongo comestible y generar biogás empleando los desechos de las cervecerías artesanales
09/04/2024 -
Investigadores del CONICET emplearon un desecho de la industria de la producción de cerveza, el llamado “bagazo de cerveza”, como suplemento nutricional y lograron incrementar...
Research Headlines - La digestione anaerobica arricchita di grafene ha notevolmente migliorato il potenziale di produzione del biogas
01/03/2021 -
In natura, i batteri si occupano di decomporre la materia organica dalle piante e dagli animali. Questa capacità straordinaria è chiamata digestione anaerobica e possiede il potenziale di...
Research Headlines - Graphene spiced-up anaerobic digestion substantially increases biogas production potential
24/02/2021 -
In nature, bacteria take care of breaking down organic matter from plants and animals. This unique capacity is called anaerobic digestion and has the potential to revolutionise the way we produce...
Research Headlines - Mit Graphen optimierte anaerobe Vergärung steigert das Potenzial bei der Produktion von Biogas erheblich
24/02/2021 -
In der Natur kümmern sich Bakterien um den Abbau von organischem Material aus Pflanzen und Tieren. Diese einzigartige Fähigkeit wird als anaerobe Vergärung bezeichnet und könnte...
Key switchgrass genes identified, which could mean better biofuels ahead
04/02/2021 -
By parsing data on weather, deer populations and deer-vehicle collisions in Wisconsin, investigators show spatial synchrony could be driving population cycles, rather than the reverse.
Detecting fake news designed to manipulate stock markets
04/02/2021 -
Social media is increasingly used to spread fake news. The same problem can be found on the capital market - criminals spread fake news about companies in order to manipulate share prices....
Cannabis use both helps and hurts entrepreneurial creativity
04/02/2021 -
When entrepreneurs dream up ideas for new businesses, cannabis use might help, and hinder, their creativity, according to a new study.
Study reveals precarious employment on the rise long before COVID-19
04/02/2021 -
Researchers have used a new approach to measure precarious, or low-quality, employment in the United States. And, according to those findings, precarious employment has increased 9 percent between...
Advanced light reveals how different biofuels behave
19/01/2021 -
A new study assessed immune responses in four economically important marine mollusk species -- the blue mussel, soft-shell clam, Eastern oyster, and Atlantic jackknife clam -- and identified new...
Positive 'tipping points' offer hope for climate
19/01/2021 -
Positive 'tipping points' could spark cascading changes that accelerate action on climate change, experts say.
The richer you are, the more likely you'll social distance, study finds
19/01/2021 -
The higher a person's income, the more likely they were to protect themselves at the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, economists find.
Managing large-scale construction projects to avoid cost overruns
19/01/2021 -
Supplier selection and pricing format decisions that reflect key characteristics of the project, such as the size of the project, duration, and type of customer, are best at reducing a significant...
Turn off that camera during virtual meetings, environmental study says
19/01/2021 -
A new study says that despite a record drop in global carbon emissions in 2020, a pandemic-driven shift to remote work and more at-home entertainment still presents significant environmental impact...
Advanced light reveals how different biofuels behave
19/01/2021 -
Vehicles have evolved to become more efficient and sophisticated, but their fuel hasn't necessarily evolved along with them. Researchers are determined to identify cleaner burning and renewable...
Impacts of climate change on our water and energy systems: it's complicated
19/01/2021 -
Researchers have developed a science-based analytic framework to evaluate the complex connections between water and energy, and options for adaptations in response to an evolving climate.
Using solar energy and agriculture to limit climate change, assist rural communities
07/01/2021 -
Co-developing land for both solar photovoltaic power and agriculture could provide 20% of total electricity generation in the United States with an investment of less than 1% of the annual US budget,...
Mathematical modeling can help balance economy, health during pandemic
28/12/2020 -
Using mathematical modeling, new interdisciplinary research determines the best course of action when it comes to walking the line between economic stability and the best possible health outcomes.
It's electrifying! This is how Earth could be entirely powered by sustainable energy
28/12/2020 -
Can you imagine a world powered by 100% renewable electricity and fuels? It may seem fantasy, but a collaborative team of scientists has just shown this dream is theoretically possible - if we can...
Extracting energy from manure to meet peak heating demands
23/12/2020 -
Cornell University is developing a system to extract energy from cattle manure to meet the campus's peak demands for heat in the winter months. Scientists involved with the project give a...
Pandemic and forthcoming stimulus funds could bring climate targets in sight -- or not
23/12/2020 -
The lockdowns that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic have reduced greenhouse gas emissions. However, in the recovery phase, emissions could rise to levels above those projected before the pandemic....