Del 17/06/2024 al 18/06/2024 -
Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins 2024 takes center stage for the first time in Chicago, the vibrant, food-tech epicenter of the US.
On June 17-18, 700+ senior leaders from...
14/09/2023 -
Todos nuestros cursos de capacitación están destinados a nuestros clientes o potenciales clientes y ante eventuales conflictos que afecten nuestros intereses, nos reservamos el...
27/04/2023 -
Date:April 27, 2023
Time:9:00 AM - 1:00 PM ET
This workshop is a virtual event, held on April 27, 2023, from 9:00 am EDT to 1:00 pm EDT and...
Institución: Escuela Superior del Instituto Butantan.Público objetivo/Requisitos: Estudiantes matriculada/os en cursos de posgrado (stricto sensu: maestría o...
Del 18/05/2022 al 30/06/2022 -
Desde una ola de yogures ultrabajos en azúcar y leche láctea sin azúcar, hasta una nueva generación de quesos, helados y cremas libres de animales hechos con...
Del 07/04/2022 al 09/04/2022 -
Continuando con el éxito de los Congresos de BioIberoamérica realizados en Salamanca y Brasilia, traemos la 3ª edición de este congreso tendrá lugar en...
Del 01/11/2021 al 05/11/2021 -
A free virtual summit convening biotech founders, PhDs, scientists, investors and leaders.
We believe the best biotech companies of the future will be led by...
Del 05/04/2019 al 09/04/2019 -
Here we answer some popular questions about Experimental Biology (EB) 2019 and give some crucial advice on how to make...
Del 29/03/2019 al 03/06/2019 -
AACR is an annual meeting hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research. They aim to accelerate the spread of new knowledge about cancer, and this year will be focused on integrative...
Del 07/11/2022 al 11/11/2022 -
Take a deep dive into the world of NIR spectra modelling and calibration. The course is designed for NIRFlex N-500/ NIRMaster users who are in charge of developing quantitative and qualitative...