Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial

Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial


2do Congreso Internacional del Uso Médico de Cannabis Medicinal y Enteógenos
Del 14/09/2023 al 16/09/2023 - SOBRE EL CONGRESO Dos días de jornada académica con un objetivo claro, reunir a expertos del cannabis y enteógenos para presentar la evidencia científica...
Primer Encuentro Interinstitucional para el Desarrollo de la Industria del Cannabis y el Cáñamo Industrial
Del 24/10/2022 al 25/10/2022 - Día 1: Primer Encuentro Interinstitucional para el Desarrollo del Cannabis y el Cáñamo Industrial
Formación para Psiquiatras. Cannabis de Uso Médico en Neurodesarrollo y Salud Mental
Del 04/01/2022 al 25/01/2022 - Pre-Inscripción - Formación para Psiquiatras. Cannabis de Uso Médico en Neurodesarrollo y Salud Mental Esta capacitación se propone iniciar al profesional...
Sponsor Q&A — Cannabis Certification Council
01/12/2021 - Our Sponsor Q&A Series are designed for our supporters to feature their work and talk about their commitment to Sustainability and Standards
HAPPY PLANTS! — Cannabis Certification Council
09/12/2021 - Cannabis education can be complicated, Happy Plants! is the perfect platform for brands to share about their high quality ingredients, standards, sustainable practices and more to help demystify...
Cannabis Sustainability Symposium — Cannabis Certification Council
17/11/2021 - Our Flagship Cannabis Sustainability Symposium. 2021 will feature multiple keynote and plenary speakers in addition to the incredibly high quality speakers and sessions the Symposium has become...
HAPPY PLANTS! MASS and New England Episode — Cannabis Certification Council
20/10/2021 - Cannabis education can be complicated, Happy Plants! is the perfect platform for brands to share about their high quality ingredients, standards, sustainable practices and more to help demystify...
Symposium Series — Cannabis Certification Council
17/12/2021 - The Cannabis Symposium Series will feature a one-hour, single panel format with a 30min workshop after.