Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial

Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial


Cannabis medicinal para afecciones relacionadas con la psiquiatría: una visión general de la prescripción australiana actual "Medicinal cannabis for psychiatry-related conditions: an overview of current Australian prescribing"
25/07/2023 - Comentario del analista: Los padecimientos en salud mental que tuvieron mayor prescripción en Australia segun DSM V fueron trastorno de ansiedad, trastornos del...
La fabricación del papel de cáñamo: eco alternativa sostenible en zonas de alta vulnerabilidad
29/06/2023 - RESUMEN El presente trabajo de investigación defiende la sustitución del papel convencional por el papel a base de pulpa de Cannabis Sativa. En él se presentan las...
A Latent Variable Analysis of Psychomotor and Neurocognitive Performance After Acute Cannabis Smoking
16/05/2023 - Objetivo. Este documento evaluó una novedosa batería de pruebas neurocognitivas y psicomotoras basada en tabletas para detectar el deterioro del consumo agudo de...
Cannabis Effects on Driving Performance: Clinical Considerations. Efectos del cannabis en el rendimiento de conducción: consideraciones clínicas
25/03/2023 - Key Points Driving under the influence of cannabis has been identified as a public health concern as medical and...
Protocolo para ciclos de generación rápida de cáñamo (Cannabis sativa) para investigación y agricultura (A protocol for rapid generation cycling (speed breeding) of hemp (Cannabis sativa) for research and agriculture)
08/02/2023 - El cáñamo (Cannabis sativa) es un cultivo muy versátil con una variedad de aplicaciones, desde textiles, biocombustibles y materiales de construcción hasta...
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for phytoremediation: Energy and environmental life cycle assessment of using contaminated biomass as an energy resource
14/10/2022 - Abstract The objectives of this study were to assess the environmental impacts of growing industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) on the phytoremediation of heavy...
CBD-enriched cannabis for autism spectrum disorder: an experience of a single center in Turkey and reviews of the literature
17/12/2021 - IntroductionAutism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in communication, social interaction, restricted interest, and repetitive behaviors. Although more...
A LC-MS/MS method with electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source for analysis of pesticides in hemp
17/12/2021 - Background Pesticide testing for hemp has traditionally focused on techniques like QuEChERS with dSPE and SPE which demand time-consuming sample preparation, typically resulting in poor...
A systematic review of medical students’ and professionals’ attitudes and knowledge regarding medical cannabis
10/12/2021 - BackgroundRecently, the renewed global interest in cannabis’ therapeutic properties has resulted in shifting attitudes and legislative policies worldwide. The aim of this systematic review is to...
Assessing the bioactivity of cannabis extracts in larval zebrafish
10/12/2021 - BackgroundWhole-plant cannabis extracts are consumed by the public for medical and non-medical (“recreational”) purposes but are poorly researched compared to pure cannabinoids. There is...
The transition of cannabis into the mainstream of Australian healthcare: framings in professional medical publications
10/12/2021 - BackgroundMedicinal cannabis has been legalised for use for a range of specified medical conditions in Australia since 2016. However, the nature of the government regulations and the subsequent...
Processing and extraction methods of medicinal cannabis: a narrative review
17/09/2021 - Introduction As the cannabis industry transitions from a black market to a legal market, product development, and methods of extraction have become a focal point. To date, more than...
Cannabis for pain: a cross-sectional survey of the patient information quality on the Internet
18/08/2021 - BackgroundCannabis has increasingly become an alternative treatment for chronic pain, however, there is evidence of concomitant negative health effects with its long-term usage. Patients...
A cannabis oracle? Delphi method not a substitute for randomized controlled trials of cannabinoids as therapeutics
18/08/2021 - Background With millions of people using cannabinoids to treat a host of medical conditions, clinicians want guidance on how to utilize cannabinoids as pharmacotherapy in their...
Potential impacts of soil microbiota manipulation on secondary metabolites production in cannabis
18/08/2021 - BackgroundCannabis growing practices and particularly indoor cultivation conditions have a great influence on the production of cannabinoids. Plant-associated microbes may affect nutrient...
Medicinal cannabis: knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of Colombian psychiatrists
18/08/2021 - BackgroundThe use of cannabinoids in mental health has gained strength in recent years due to emerging scientific evidence and the lifting of prohibitionist laws that prevailed for years in many...
Recreational cannabis legalization and alcohol purchasing: a difference-in-differences analysis
18/08/2021 - BackgroundWhether recreational cannabis legalization is associated with changes in alcohol consumption (suggesting a potential substitution or complementary relationship) is a key question as...
Density of medical and recreational cannabis outlets: racial/ethnic differences in the associations with young adult intentions to use cannabis, e-cigarettes, and cannabis mixed with tobacco/nicotine
18/08/2021 - BackgroundDifferences in access to medical versus recreational cannabis outlets and their associations with intentions to use cannabis have not yet been examined among young adults. This study...