Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial

Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial


Sustainable <em>Cannabis</em> Nutrition: Elevated root-zone phosphorus significantly increases leachate P and does not improve yield or quality
25/07/2023 - Phosphorus (P) is an essential but often over-applied nutrient in agricultural systems. Because of its detrimental environmental effects, P fertilization is well studied in crop production....
Identification and mapping of major-effect flowering time loci <em>Autoflower1</em> and <em>Early1</em> in <em>Cannabis sativa</em> L
25/07/2023 - Flowering time is an important trait for all major market classes of hemp (Cannabis sativa), affecting yields and quality of grain, fiber, and cannabinoids. C. sativa is usually considered a...
Prescripción de cannabidiol en la práctica clínica: una auditoría de los primeros 400 pacientes en Nueva Zelanda
30/05/2023 - Abstract Background: Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-euphoriant component of cannabis. In 2017, the New Zealand Misuse of Drugs Regulations (1977) were amended,...
Recent advances in electrochemical sensor technologies for THC detection—a narrative review
29/03/2022 - Avances recientes en tecnologías de sensores electroquímicos para la detección de THC: una revisión...
Medicinal Cannabis for the Treatment of Chronic Refractory Pain: An Investigation of the Adverse Event Profile and Health-Related Quality of Life Impact of an Oral Formulation
03/03/2022 - Abstract Introduction: Medicinal cannabis is prescribed in Australia for patients with chronic refractory pain conditions. However, measures of safety and...