Tecnología Médica
Tecnología Médica
Do Not Use Ultraviolet (UV) Wands That Give Off Unsafe Levels of Radiation: FDA Safety Communication
05/05/2023 -
UV wands may cause injury to the skin, eyes, or both after a few seconds of use.
Alerta GGMON 04/2022 (Vigilância de Saneantes)
29/06/2022 -
A Anvisa alerta sobre os cuidados que devem ser tomados no processo de limpeza e esterelização do instrumental cirúrgico. A não observância nas...
La AEMPS publica las nuevas instrucciones de productos biocidas de su competencia y de las instalaciones de fabricación, importación y almacenamiento
02/06/2022 -
La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) ha publicado las nuevas instrucciones para la solicitud de autorización de los biocidas competencia de la AEMPS y...
Disposición N° 9143/2021
22/12/2021 -
Prohíbese el uso y comercialización en todo el territorio nacional de todos los lotes de todos los productos domisanitarios de la firma NM Biosalud / Lab. NM Biosalud, por no estar...
Risk of Exposure to Unsafe Levels of Radiation with Safe-T-Lite UV WAND: FDA Safety Communication
30/09/2021 -
Max-Lux Safe-T-Lite UV-C WAND may cause injury to the skin, eyes, or both after a few seconds of use.
FDA In Brief: FDA Warns Consumers of Risk of Exposure to Unsafe Levels of Radiation with Safe-T-Lite UV WAND
30/09/2021 -
FDA In Brief: FDA Warns Consumers of Risk of Exposure to Unsafe Levels of Radiation with Safe-T-Lite UV WAND
Disposición N° 7199/2021
30/09/2021 -
Prohíbase el uso, comercialización y distribución en todo el territorio nacional del producto rotulado como: “NUEVO CuidAR Plus DESINFECTANTE AMONIO CUATERNARIO 5ta....
La AEMPS informa sobre el nuevo marco normativo de aplicación a los productos desinfectantes
17/08/2021 -
La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) ha dictado la
Aplicación de los nuevos criterios sobre las reivindicaciones en los geles hidroalcohólicos para manos de carácter cosmético
14/12/2020 -
La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) publicó el pasado 23 de noviembre la nota informativa
ISP informa sobre falsificación de documento público y advierte sobre el uso de productos sin registro sanitario
02/11/2020 -
El Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP), informa que ha emitido una
SG24 LLC Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of SkinGuard24 Hand Sanitizer Labeled to Contain Methanol
18/08/2020 -
SG24 LLC is voluntarily recalling the SkinGuard24 – All Day Hand Sanitizer products listed below to the consumer level.
Soluciones Cosméticas Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel Due to The Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol (Wood Alcohol): Updated August 7, 2020
14/08/2020 -
Soluciones Cosméticas voluntary recalled all lots of Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel Fragrance Free sold in 16.9 ounce bottles to the consumer level. The products are being recalled due to the...
LABORATORIOS JALOMA S.A. de C.V. Issues Voluntary Recall of the Jaloma Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer Due to the Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol
03/08/2020 -
LABORATORIOS JALOMA S.A. de C.V. is voluntarily recalling all lots and all bottle sizes of the Jaloma Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer, Ethyl Alcohol 62% With vitamin E to the consumer level. This...
Albek de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of All Hand Sanitizers Within Expiry Due to Potential Presence of Methanol (Wood Alcohol)
03/08/2020 -
Albek de Mexico S.A. de C.V is voluntarily recalling all lots and all brands of hand sanitizer currently in US distribution to the consumer level. This recall is being initiated out of an...
Resource Recovery & Trading, LLC.,Issues Nationwide Recall of Hand Sanitizer Due to Potential Presence of Methanol (Wood Alcohol) and Subpotency Ethyl Alcohol Company Announcement
28/07/2020 -
RESOURCE RECOVERY & TRADING LLC, is voluntarily recalling all the lots manufactured by MXL Comercial S.A. de C.V. of Hand Sanitizer with the next information: HAND SANITIZER 70% Ethyl...
4e Brands North America Issues Expanded Nationwide Voluntary Recall of Hand Sanitizer Due to Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol (Wood Alcohol)
28/07/2020 -
San Antonio, Texas, 4e Brands North America is voluntarily recalling all lots of Hand Sanitizer brands to the consumer level. These products are being recalled due to the potential presence of...
LIQ-E S.A. de C.V. Issues Voluntary Recall of the Optimus Instant Hand Sanitizer Due to the Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol
24/07/2020 -
LIQ-E S.A. de C.V. is voluntarily recalling all lots and all bottle sizes of The OPTIMUS Instant Hand Sanitizer due to the potential presence of methanol (wood alcohol) that were shipped into...
4e Brands North America Issues Nationwide Voluntary Recall of Hand Sanitizer Due to Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol (Wood Alcohol)
20/07/2020 -
4e Brands North America is voluntarily recalling ten (10) bottle sizes of Hand Sanitizers to the consumer level. The products are being recalled due to the potential presence of methanol (wood...
AAA Cosmética, S.A. de C.V. Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of all Lots Within Expiry of bio aaa Advance Hand Sanitizer 480 mL Due to the Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol (Wood Alcohol)
20/07/2020 -
AAA Cosmética, S.A. de C.V. is voluntarily recalling all lots of bio aaa Advance Hand Sanitizer currently in US distribution, packaged in 480 mL bottles, to the consumer level. The...
Soluciones Cosméticas Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel Due to the Potential Presence of Undeclared Methanol (Wood Alcohol)
20/07/2020 -
Soluciones Cosméticas is voluntarily recalling all lots of Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel Fragrance Free sold in 16.9 ounce bottles to the consumer level. The products are being recalled due...
Disposición N° 4900/2020
20/07/2020 -
Prohíbese la comercialización en todo el territorio nacional de los productos rotulados como “DIAMANTE Limpiador Líquido-antibacterial-desinfectante- Amonio cuaternario...