Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial

Plataforma de Cannabis Medicinal y Cáñamo Industrial


Standard Guide for Sample Preparation of Cannabis and Hemp Inflorescence for Laboratory Analysis
13/02/2023 - 5.1The sample preparation procedure for comminution impacts other downstream processes such as extraction and sonication, which ultimately affects the total analytical error (TAE) and measurement...
Standard Specification for Medicinal-use Cannabis Inflorescence
15/12/2022 - 1.1This standard defines the specifications (appropriate tests, their analytical methods and acceptance criteria) for the identification, strength (for example, cannabinoid content), and purity (for...
Especificación de estándares para las inflorescencias de cannabis de uso medicinal (Standard Specification for Medicinal-use Cannabis Inflorescence)
29/11/2022 - Este estandar define las especificaciones para la identificación, potencia (por ejemplo; contenido de cannabinoides) y pureza...