Tecnología Médica

Tecnología Médica

ISO 18562-2:2024 - Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 2: Tests for emissions of particulate matter
12/03/2024 - This document specifies tests for the emissions of particulate matter from the gas pathways of a medical device, its parts or accessories, which are intended to...
ISO 18562-1:2024 - Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
12/03/2024 - This document specifies: the general principles governing the biological evaluation within a risk management process of the gas pathways of a medical...
ISO 18562-4:2024 - Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 4: Tests for leachables in condensate
12/03/2024 - This document specifies tests for substances leached by liquid water condensing in gas pathways of a medical device, its parts or accessories, which are intended to...
ISO/CD TS 22175 - Connectors for respiratory devices
13/11/2023 - Status: Under development
ISO 10524-4:2008 - Pressure regulators for use with medical gases — Part 4: Low-pressure regulators
17/04/2023 - This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2018. Therefore this version remains current.
ISO 10524-1:2018 - Pressure regulators for use with medical gases — Part 1: Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow-metering devices
25/01/2023 - ISO 10524-1:2018 specifies the design, construction, type testing, and marking requirements for pressure regulators (as defined in 3.18) intended for the administration of medical gases and their...
ISO 10524-2:2018 - Pressure regulators for use with medical gases — Part 2: Manifold and line pressure regulators
24/01/2023 - ISO 10524-2:2018 specifies design, construction, type testing, and marking requirements for manifold pressure regulators (as defined in 3.7) and line pressure regulators (as defined in 3.5)...
ISO 11195:2018 - Gas mixers for medical use — Stand-alone gas mixers
24/01/2023 - ISO 11195:2018 specifies requirements for the performance and safety of stand-alone gas mixers intended for mixing oxygen with another gas for medical use. ISO 11195:2018 does not apply...